The Edgefield neighborhood...
Is a family-oriented community consisting of 146 single-dwelling homes and duplexes. The homes vary in styles due to a mixture of different builders and lot sizes. The Edgefield neighborhood is located within minutes of historic downtown Hillsboro, the Jones Farm Intel campus, the Hillsboro airport (Home of the Oregon International Air Show), and the Washington County Fair Grounds. In addition, we are approximately one hour and twenty minutes from the beautiful Oregon Coast (Cannon Beach and Seaside).
The Association...
Has a five member Board, including an Architectural Review Committee (ARC), all comprised of volunteers who are homeowners themselves. Edgefield maintains strong Covenants Conditions and Restrictions with the intent of maintaining high property values and a pleasant community in which to live. In addition, the Edgefield neighborhood is continually monitored by a management company.
If you would prefer to receive communication via email, please email Sophie at The Management Trust to confirm or add your email address to TMT's Edgefield email list.
Leaf Pickup Schedule
The city of Hillsboro will be doing leaf pickup in the Edgefield neighborhood starting November 19 and December 24th.
If you have leaves from trees along the street to clean up close to those dates, you can leave them in piles in the street close to the curb for the city to pick up.